Puppies! And Kitties!
Today we got to volunteer for a couple of hours at an animal shelter in San Rafael (about 20 minutes from Heredia), and after getting back, I'm even more motivated to volunteer at the Humane Society.
We took some dogs out for a while so they could get exericse and also so it would be easier for the staff to clean their little rooms. The dog that I had was kind of small, and had light colored, long-ish hair. He was shaking when I came up to him, but he was so excited to run around with me! There were 5 SOLmates there, and one of the girls had a beautiful black Great Dane. Her (the dog's) joints were in rough shape though, so she did slip a little on a decline.
So I ran around a little bit with my dog, and about 45 minutes, we were both hot and tired. The dogs and cats there don't have names, and a SOL director said that it's so the families that adopt them can choose their names. It makes sense, but I wish I had a name that I could call my dog by instead of just Dog.
We also went into a little room where there were 4 cats, an all-time low. Two were sleeping, one stayed "hidden" behind the door, and the last one was crying unless someone was petting her. So I hung out in there for a few minutes with them.
THERE WERE PUPPIES. Two litters, one had 6 puppies about 6 months old, and the other had 4 puppies that there 1 1/2 months old. The SOLmates that were there with me went nuts. We were practically in tears because they were so cute. I think the younger litter was German Shephard puppies, and the older bunch was a lab mix.
I'm so excited to go back on Wednesday and see how many of the puppies are still there, and if any of the older dogs have found homes yet.