Exploring El Mercado Viejo
When we went on the city tour of Heredia, we got to El Mercado Viejo or The Old Market. I knew that I wanted to go back there sometime to explor a little more, and I'm really excited that I had the chance today to do so. There's a group of about 6 of us that want to go, so we all hop a bus and head downtown.
Hannah and I were looking for some gifts for family and friends back home, so we were keeping our eyes open for souvenirs. We went to the market, and also checked our nearby blocks for sales and smoothies. We ended up in El Parque Central (Heredia's Central Park) for a few minutes, watching a dance troupe perform in a large gazebo there, and also a little Tico boy (probably 2-3 years old) chase some pigeons that were being fed corn.
We looked around a little more for some clothes, and decided that it was time to get some lunch. As much as I wanted to try something a little more authentic, we had McDonald's. Luckily there were some things that were original to Costa Rica that we could try, like barbeque-flavored fries, and Caribbean-style chicken sandwiches.
When we were done, half of the group went back to their Tico Houses. Hannah, our friend Emily, and I went back to one store where I found something for my nephew. Even though I haven't found something for everyone yet, I'm really excited to give people their gifts!