Weekend in Nicaragua, Part 3
Today we went to Lago Apoyo (Lake Support), to a place called Paraíso (Paradise), and it really was paradise. We could swim in the lake, or lounge in a chair next to it. We could get snacks and drinks at the bar, and I'm sure I saw an option for a massage.
So I napped on the beach while my SOLmates swam in the lake towards a large raft about 50 yards away. We ate a delicious lunch there, and hopped back on the bus for one of the last stops of the trip. We went into a village in Nicaragua whose artisan craft was ceramics. We got to see how they carefully make pottery, polish it, paint it, polish it again, and then finally bake it. They showed us that the colors that they use are all natural, and they all come from a place about an hour's walk from the village. They had two rooms dedicated to the pottery that they sell, and both of them were absolutely full (I have pictures).
We stopped again for an hour to walk through some more artisan stands, and I finally found the small Nicaragua flag that I had been looking for since we got here. We got back to Grenada, and we were once again free to find dinner and retire for the night.