Ready or Not, Here's Module 3
Monday. Module 3. Civilization and Culture of Latin America. History.
None of these things sound appealing to me. We're halfway through classes, and I've never been a fan of history classes. All of this on a Monday. I'm going to try and go into this class with a good attitude, as our professor says that she wants to make this class more interactive than a stereotypical history course. I'm okay with that.
Laura, our professor, told us right away that she is a maternal teacher. It is obvious when she calls us by mis amores, princesas, príncipes, and preciosos all of which are terms of endearment: my loves, princesses and princes, and precious. It strikes me oddly at first, but I hear Mama Tica calling Mati things of a similar nature. Now that I think of it, it's just not something that I'm used to. We haven't yet had a professor that shows this kind of maternal care for her students.
Right off the bat, she gives us the syllabus, which includes going to 3 different museums. I'm actually really excited for that. I didn't realize how much I actually enjoyed them until we did the art city tour and got to do them for free. Goal: be open to the class, and look forward to the museums. Ready, set, go!