We went for a walk today! I was so excited! On our walks to and from the university, the mall, downtown Heredia, and almost any time we leave the neighborhood, we find Oso (Bear in English). He's a small dog that is technically a street dog, but the residents of the residential area Valle Claro (Clear Valley) and Calle Barboza take care of him by beinging scraps for him to eat. Side note: Calle Barboza (Barboza Street) is where we live. Jorge's father bought land for his family to have and build houses on. Technically Mama Tica isn't a Barboza, but she got land through Jorge, I think.
Anyway, Oso is a small dog, but I'm sure he's no longer a puppy. He is black and brown, and always runs up to us with a dog smile and flopping ears. We usually have something for him to eat, and he quickly figured that out. He's started to jump up at our hands as we're walking. We're not supposed to touch street animals, but we sometimes make exceptions. I give him a quick pet on the head or flip his ear back into its normal position if I am able to wash my hands right after.
Mama Tica told us that as far as she knows, he's never belonged to anyone specific, and he just showed up one day in the neighborhood. The boys that stayed with her during December left us a note letting us know that we have to make sure to feed him as much as we can. We easily oblige, as he is such a happy dog and good walking companion. Growing up, I'd always wanted a dog, but Oso and Mati definitely reinforce that.