I am So Incredibly Lucky
Since writing that last post of all the things I'm going to miss, I thought of the first full day here, during orientation. Our director...
Things I'm Going to Miss
*In no particular order: 1. My Tica Family (which includes Abuelita and all of my tíos and tías) 2. Walking with Oso in the morning to...
To Puriscal!
Since we got here, Mamá Tica has wanted to take us to Puriscal, her hometown. When we told her that we had long weekends in our fourth...
...I Forgot Something!
I can't believe that I forgot this! I'm backtracking a little bit to the Sunday with my parents in Manuel Antonio. It was Easter, and the...
How About Parasailing?
Last night before we went to bed, we set up our final activity for the weekend. I convinced my parents to go parasailing! They were a...
Manuel Antonio, Here We Come!
Mama Tica pulls out all the stops when she's got company over. My parents are no exception, and they got to experience a typical Tico...
Semana Santa, Day 1
It's the first day of Semana Santa! ...And we literally have nothing to do. Hannah and I are spending the day at home today. We're pretty...
Los Lagos Resort and Canopy Tour
Our hotel (actually a really fancy resort) is built right next to an active volcano. The heat from Volcano Arenal ('sandy') actually...
La Fortuna
Today we're leaving for our last excursion organized by SOL. We're heading into the nearby province Alajuela to swim in a waterfall...
What Have I Learned So Far?
1. Breakfast is super important. Even if it's just a banana and a slice of bread. 2. I love working with kids, no matter what their...