...I Forgot Something!
I can't believe that I forgot this! I'm backtracking a little bit to the Sunday with my parents in Manuel Antonio. It was Easter, and the morning seemed normal to me. I woke up, and my parents and I took pictures of the sunrise from the balcony of our hotel room. I hopped in the shower so that we could get ready and eat breakfast in the hotel without rushing (it was about 6:30am, so I'm not sure why I thought we would rush...). I had gotten out of the bathroom, and I walked over to my couch-bed to check how my iPad was charging.
There was a chocolate egg on my bed. And there were two more on the book that I was reading before I went to bed the night before. I looked around the room, and there were more eggs by the lamp on my dad's side of the bed, next to the hammock that I was sending home with my parents, and even neatly placed in a small hair tie that I had used the previous day. The Easter Bunny had come to Costa Rica!
Let me explain a little bit before I go on. When we go to my grandparents' house for this holiday, every Easter morning there are chocolate eggs hidden around the kitchen and living room. When Mom says 'go,' my brothers and I always race around the house to collect as many eggs as we can. After Easter dinner, we get to look for two different Easter baskets as well, one from our parents, and one from our grandparents.
I went onto the balcony, and told Mom that the Easter Bunny had come, because I found some eggs. "Just eggs?" she asks? Confused, I have her a look, and she said that I had to take another look. Dad looked a little confused as well, and we all headed back into the room. Before too long, I had found a small Chinese food takeout-shaped box with spring-colored polka dots and an egg on the front. I almost cried, I was so happy. I thought that being in a different country for the holiday would change everything, but Mom snuck our own little tradition into our short time together. It made me so happy that I could see them for the weekend, but I wasn't expecting my heart to almost explode with joy. Pura Vida. <3