How About Parasailing?
Last night before we went to bed, we set up our final activity for the weekend. I convinced my parents to go parasailing! They were a little iffy about it, but after watching it yesterday morning, they saw how professional the team was, and also that we could go together. They were in! We asked for a later checkout and got picked up at 9:30 to head back to the ocean.
We were too heavy to all go up together, so I sent my parents together, and I would fly solo (please try to appreciate that pun as much as I do). They went first, and the guides gave them instructions in English. I took a video of their takeoff, and then it was my turn. They talked to me in English as well, and then they figured out that I know Spanish. I shouldn't really be surprised, but not many Ticos assume that I (or the SOLmates) speak Spanish. Costa Rica has enough tourism that a language barrier is pretty common. I digress...
Parasailing was AWESOME. It was so serene, floating above the water. I waved at my parents as we passed, but I don't think they could see me. Before too long we had turned around and my flight was over. I gently floated down to the water surface and unclipped myself from the sail. The jet ski driver gave me instructions in Spanish and was surprised when I understood him. He told me that I must have a lot of Tico boyfriends. After laughing and telling him no, he complimented my eyes and wished me safe travels home.
In a good amount of time, I got to take my parents to my favorite restaurant on this side of Costa Rica (not that I really know many, but oh well) and we headed back to the hotel for final packing. We left Manuel Antonio with another driver, and we headed for my parents' hotel in San José. Somehow we made it there in an hour less than it took to go south. We got them checked in, and started to explore. We realized that since the shuttle from the hotel to the airport leaves on the hour, we didn't have much time left together in Costa Rica. We went to the Hard Rock Café close to the hotel and split the appetizer sampler because we weren't all that hungry. We went back to their room so I could quickly show them some tricks with Google Drive, and then they came with me to wait for the shuttle.
After more tearful hugs, I was headed back. I didn't mind the route that I took; I only realized after I got home how strange it was. I took a shuttle to the bus stop by the airport, the bus to the mall in Heredia, and then a taxi home because it was dark outside. Mama Tica greeted me with another hug and saw how tired I was. I asked her how her Easter went, and she said it was nice, and that she still enjoyed having my parents here. Times like this make me realize how lucky I am. To be here, to live in a beautiful home, and to have the amount of international support that I do. Pura Vida. <3