Latin Dance Class
Today after our normal morning class we had a lesson in Latin dancing. I was super excited! I can't dance unless I'm taught, and we are...
Love Knows No Language Barrier
I had talked to my Mama Tica about feeling homesick last week, and she listened to me and said that it would be okay; that the feeling...
Super Bowl in Costa Rica
First of all, yes. Yes we can watch the game in Central America. There's not a huge following of American Football down here, but if you...
Just Around the Riverbend...?
Today we went rafting down the Pacuare River, which is one of the top 5 rivers for white water rafting in the world. On a scale of 1-6,...
Our Mama Tica is wonderful. She's welcoming, funny, and open to talking about almost anything. The first morning that we ate breakfast...
3-Week Class Goes By Fast
Today we took our final written and oral exams in Advanced I class. Whoa. I've taken summer classes that are about the same length, but I...
Things to Get Used To, Pt. 1
1. Greeting strangers with a kiss on the right cheek. This is weird for me. I've seen the double-cheek-kiss in movies, but I didn't...
San José City Tour
Today was hard because I'm feeling a lot of homesickness. I can't pinpoint a reason, which frustrates me further. It could have been that...
Animal Shelter, Part 2
After rearranging our semester calendar a little bit, our volunteer group decided to go back to the animal shelter today instead of...